For an infinite divisible goods and under the premises with fixed fund, firstly, without risk behavior, online strategy of up-tender threat is presented so as to obtain its competitive ratio and the curve of market demand by using competitive analysis. 对于无限可分商品,在资金一定前提下,首先对采购商无风险行为情形给出了基于标价上涨威胁的在线反向拍卖策略,通过竞争分析得到了其最优竞争比及整体需要曲线;
Based on a model of infinite slices imaginarily out and Jones matrix theory, an equivalent matrix is proposed for describing polarization-maintaining fibers with rotation of their birefringent axes. The influence on the extinction ratio is discussed due to birefringent axes rotation in the polarization-maintaining fibers. 本文利用无穷切片模型和Jones矩阵理论,给出了主轴连续旋转的保偏光纤的等效矩阵,并讨论了主轴旋转对消光比的影响。